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Autism: Advancing on the SPectrum

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March 2023

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March 1993


This daily correspondence between schools she attended and us gives you a glimpse of our daily life. Most parents of typical children do not communicate on daily basis with the teachers. This gives a reader an insight to how important daily communication is for a child with autism.

Kat has attended school since she was 3 years old. These are school notes that were result of correspondence with her parents and her teachers. We have made comments at a later date reflecting back on the impact of these events. Kats School Notes Index







3/1 Hi , Kat missed the respit weekend but she was pretty good. She picked out tickets during a folk festival in front of everyone ( her prizes ) and did well .

She is distinguishing much better between people . When we would hold her from getting away she usually said " let me go mommy " even if her dad would hold her . This weekend through , she substituted mommy or daddy at the end ofthesentence appropriately depending who was holding her .


3/1 Danuta

The party invite is from one of our student volunteers . Please attend w/ Kat if you go . It was such a nice gesture !



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3/2 Kat worked well today and seemed healthy .



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3/3 I found the bingo game ( I got 2 , one for school ) . She likes to play it with the balls making all the noise . I limited the number to 24 only . I'll show you when you come over .


I'm excited to see the new game!



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3/4/93 Miracles are happening ? Kat asked to do her homework . I think she is getting the idea that the bookstore trip is a next payoff . Yesterday she took her pennies & paid with them ( partially ) at the bookstore .

P.S. I made a counting sheet for her but she got the counting 100% , its the handwriting that she has problem with writing numbers 4 and up . I am going to start on nickel = 5 cents concept and writing of numbers separately .


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3/5 This is exciting news!! How is the piano practice going? We'll keep working w/ #writing Practice!

Practice !


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3/8 Kat had a great time at the birthday party . She figured out how to swim ! Next day she asked to go to " Birthday party " again . Any more news about parent teacher meetings !

3/8 Danuta -

Kat did very well at Reading group today _ esp . w/ comprehension questions (we're reading " The gingerbread Boy " ) .


Danuta ,

Kat has been doing some yelling. We simply say " NO " in a firm tone and remind her to pick a reward for good working . That is the appropriate substitute .

Also - we must limit our conference time to the schedule period due to contract restraints . Please plan to conference from 1:45 - 2:00 only . Thank you .


Could you put Kat's name in books you want her to bring between home & school : I think we are not allowed to bring glass into lunch room ( bottles , etc. )



Danuta ,

Kat is doing nicely counting$ you work is paying off !


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3/22 Tom -

See you at 6 for Kat's lessons !



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3/24 Kat is doing very well w/ art projects & she did quite a bit of singing in Music today ( w/ the group! ) .



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3/27 Hi Danuta & Tom!

Kat is bringing home a party invitation for an egg sent at the home of one of our call volunteers . We think this is for our class so if Kat could attend it would make M. very happy !

Have a good weekend !



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3/28 We will try to make the egg hunt . I sent note to S. in her note book .

Kat is discoveringthe power of reading . We went for lunch Saturday and she asked for "spaghetti - meat balls " but we gave her pizza . That same evening we went to another restaurant and showed her the children's menu . She looked over and with a big sigh of surprise first pointed to the writing and read "spaghetti and meatballs " !



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3/29 Great news Danuta ! It's wonderful to hear bits of news which the kids do to thrill us all !



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3/31 Dear Danuta & Tom ,

We had an exciting breakthrough today - N. was having the children (K1., Kat, & Chr.) make April calendars , and she put the " April " words on the board for (she thought) the boys to copy - Kat copied them down & orally ( spelt them as M. helped her write them ) . She was focused 100% of the time ( M. would say, "Write Easter, " Kat would spell EASTER looking at the board for each letter !



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