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February 1990


This daily correspondence between schools she attended and us gives you a glimpse of our daily life. Most parents of typical children do not communicate on daily basis with the teachers. This gives a reader an insight to how important daily communication is for a child with autism.

Kat has attended school since she was 3 years old. These are school notes that were result of correspondence with her parents and her teachers. We have made comments at a later date reflecting back on the impact of these events. Kats School Notes Index


Date Notes Comments
1990-02-01 Kat has one book that she asks us to read for her. When we stop reading she continues and fills in words.

D. (Mother)

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Thank you for the visit with L. I took Kat to the doctor afterwards and he took her off the antibiotic. Something in these medications made her extra hyper. The bad behaviors increased since she has had the ear infection and was on the antibiotic. Please monitor Kat's behavior as much as you can for the next couple of days to see if they are increasing or decreasing.


D. (Mother)

We will let you know how Kat is doing at school. Today she had a few episodes of screaming & some basic difficulty listening & sitting in seat. We'll keep you informed.

L.G. (Teacher)

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Last night, Kat was giving some nice eye contact. She played with a toy telephone and answered saying "Hello". Yesterday when I was dressing Kat for school, she took the sweat suit I wanted to dress her in and put it back on the dresser. and said "Dress". She seemed much less hyperactive last night and didn't get up at 5:00 A.M. as she had been while she was on the antibiotic.

T. (Father)

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Thanks for the note! Kat had an OK day today. I was out sick for a couple of days but D1. reports that Kat had a better day today than Wednesday. There seemed to be a little less screaming & running around today than Wednesday. Glad to hear there is some creative play with the phone at home!

L.G. (Teacher)

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Kat will be picked up at about 11:45 today. I've only packed a small lunch since she will be getting tests this afternoon.

T. & D. (Parents)

OK -

L.G. (Teacher)

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Kats doctor has put her on a diet which is sugar-free, no foods with artificial coloring, no chocolate, and no artificial flavorings. Please watch that she does not get these at snack or not used by therapists as rewards.

T. & D. (Parents)

Sent in valentine presents for Kats teachers.

T. & D. (Parents)

I'll be sure to let the threapists know of the diet changes, and we'll watch what she eats here during snack as well. Thanks for the gifts!

L.G. (Teacher)

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1990-02-15 The unit for next week (2/20) will be "Musical Instruments". We'll emphasize the drum, the bell, the tamborine and the cymbals. Within this unit, we'll be working on object identification, matching & sorting and auditory discrimination skills.

L.G. (Teacher)

If Kat has a favorite musical instrument or a toy that makes sounds, have her bring it in during the week.

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1990-02-19 Kat has started counting to ten if you start her off at one. This weekend she was also interacting with her sister and her girl friends. We will send in more snacks tomorrow.

Thanks -

D. (Mother)

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1990-02-20 Kat is very good at home lately. She can sing "Twinkle Twinkle Little Star" quite dearly wow. We get a lot more eye contact. She likes to play touch and tell, I am sending it in.

D. (Mother)

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1990-02-21 Kat's favorite instrument is the drum. Since you have one in school we won't send one in.

D. (Mother)

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1990-02-23 Sorry for delay with snacks. Hope there was no inconvenience.


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1990-02-27 Kat's Mom is away this week. Kat didn't sleep well last night. If she's sad, her mom's absence could be why.

T. (Father)

This week the unit is "shapes." Throughout this week, we'll be learning about circle, square, trianlge, rectangle, diamond, heart. We'll do activities that involve matching the shapes, sorting by shape & pointing to the shapes when named. If positive, you may want to also work on shapes at home as well.

Thanks -

L.G. (Teacher)

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