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July 1990


This daily correspondence between schools she attended and us gives you a glimpse of our daily life. Most parents of typical children do not communicate on daily basis with the teachers. This gives a reader an insight to how important daily communication is for a child with autism.

Kat has attended school since she was 3 years old. These are school notes that were result of correspondence with her parents and her teachers. We have made comments at a later date reflecting back on the impact of these events. Kats School Notes Index


Date Notes Comments

Kat did well on her vacation. She's been giving a lot of eye contact. Please let me know if the air conditioning is not operating, she does not respond well to heat.

D. (Mother)

D. -

Glad to hear Kat did well on vacation. Yes the air conditioner is working & we do have it on during classroom time for the children - I agree the children in general respond better if it is not hot.

Kat had a pretty good day considering it was her first day back. Was able to follow the routine with some guidance! eye contact was good today!

L.G. (Teacher)

I'd like to schedule a home visit for early August (on a Monday), is August 6th or August 13th in the morning sometime, if it is good for you??


L.G. (Teacher)

Sorry about the mix up with the books.

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For the summer we are continuing with weekly units. This week the unit is clothes. We'll do sorting, matching and object identification. Clothes to emphasize: pants, shirts, socks, shoes.

L.G. (Teacher)

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Please heat up Kat's lunch today.

T. & D. (Parents)

OK -

L.G. (Teacher)

August 6th is good for home visit.

T. & D. (Parents)

D. -

Let's schedule the home visit for August 6th about 10:30 a.m. - if anything should change just give me a call, otherwise I'll see you then!

L.G. (Teacher)

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Please heat up Kat's lunch today.

T. & D. (Parents)

OK -

L.G. (Teacher)

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D. -

The unit this week is on summer time & things we do during the sumertime i.e. kite flying, pretend, ball game activity, etc . _

L.G. (Teacher)

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Please heat up Kat's lunch today.

T. & D. (Parents)

OK -

L.G. (Teacher)


Kat had high fever day before yesterday but it must have been viral. She was fine yesterday. Let me know if she seems sick today.

Thank you.

D. (Mother)

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D. -

Kat seemed to be fine today. She ate well and overal had a pretty good day.This week the unit is on parade/musical instruments. Kat has been doing OK with the goals we are working on for the summer. The goals are 1. counting to up to 10body parts - she knows facial features, belly, & she is currently working on identifying arm & hand - she is doing OK usually an initial prompt is needed & then she responds correctly. 2. Expanding her vocabulary - using pictures. she definitely knows her animals & we are working on food (grapes, orange, appple, banana, cracker, cookie, etc.), she is doing pretty well. It seemed when she first got back to the program in July & we worked on picture identification, there were several picture that she was able to name before that she was getting confused with now - so I though it was important to refresh her memory. I'll be working on identifying clothes, food, toys and other items such as things in the kitchen (fork, plate, spoon) and things we use in school (scissors, crayons, blocks, etc). I will get a more detailed list to you of some of the vocabulary we'll work on. 3. Concept of same - showing her 3 objects or two which are the same & asking her to give them the 2 which are the same. She is having difficulty with this concept. I'm using familiar objects and the same objects over until she gets the concept. for Example, I'm using 2 cups & spoon and 2 apples and a banana - I'll explain more on the HV. Good day today!

L.G. (Teacher)

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Please heat up Kat's lunch.

T. & D. (Parents)

OK -

L.G. (Teacher)

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D. -

The unit this week is on camping/nature. Kat is doing pretty well - doing well with holding hands with A. to the bathroom & gross motor room. Getting better with following simple directions - good eye contact today. Katherine is giving us some problems when we want to work with her (to work on goals, ect.) We are working on getting "quiet mouth" first and then givign rewards (playing with hair - as you recommended) and she also seems to like waring a bracelet (so I've been trying to use this as a reward also). These tactics seem to be working - and we have seem a bit of improvement. (Getting quiet mouth before beginning is usually the tough part and once we get her attention we are able to get some work done.) Overall play skills seem to be improving some. M. tells me you family is getting together with hers to try to promote more socialization w/ Kat and Chris - how is that going? It sounds like a good idea!

L.G. (Teacher)

The "social" visits get better each time. We are working on taking turns. L., Please bring me a copy of the data that you have been taking on Kat when you come for a home visit.

D. (Mother)

L.G. (Teacher)

D. -

See you Monday at 10:30 a.m. for the home visit.

L.G. (Teacher)

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