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May 1994


This daily correspondence between schools she attended and us gives you a glimpse of our daily life. Most parents of typical children do not communicate on daily basis with the teachers. This gives a reader an insight to how important daily communication is for a child with autism.

Kat has attended school since she was 3 years old. These are school notes that were result of correspondence with her parents and her teachers. We have made comments at a later date reflecting back on the impact of these events. Kats School Notes Index








5/4 K.,

Is tonight a good night for you to come over ? After 5pm



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5/5 Kat worked well today ! We didn't do drill due to staff mtng & intern send - off party .




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* Observe new therapists

May 6, 1994

Dear Parents,

Happy Spring! With the season change we have some staff changes as well. Due to the success of the addition of Rowan College practicum students, we have been able to hire an assistant until the end of the school year. S.R. is starting this Monday and will be here 30 hrs. per week to help maintain our increased language drill pace. D.F. will remain for 10 hrs. N., J., and K. are still on board providing quality programming.

S.K. will be our new speech therapist in S1.'s absence. New schedules reflecting time changes will be sent home shortly.

Thank you,

Ka. & C.


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5/9 All drills done today _ we began working ( she was an intern ) and will be here for remainder of year . makes a BIG difference !



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5/15 When Are you going to the zoo ? A lot of new drills . Let me know if any need additional explanation. I will show them to K. on Wed . If you need help before callme.


PS. 2 books of drill to make room


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5/16 Danuta -

We went to the zoo last Thurs . ! no more field trips scheduled this school year .

Some questions re: drills .

- S. worked w/ Kat today and was confused in Verbal Drill #29 w/ book expressions #22. Can we itemize what specifically should be asked so that everyone is doing the same phrases ?

- Drill #3 is missing - we have book , but no drill pages .

Thanks for your phone call - almost finished today (worked w/ S.K. in speech , so this held us up .


F 5/16 Group -----> 1/2 circle for building blocks in the front flap - D.


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K 5/17 See you tomorrow - just call when you get back from DR.

- need 4th cardin sequence sets .

New drills look good _ didn't see all today .



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K 5/19 Kat worked well today ( despite ear problem you mentioned). Glad she'll be Ok for the big trip .

Also - should be able to bring copy of IEP tomorrow on visit .



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